Pragmatic legal advice for all corporate governance issues

Our company secretarial team offers a practical, friendly, straightforward service for all of your corporate governance and Companies House requirements. We have considerable experience in advising and assisting businesses, individuals and charities.

Whether you are a start-up, a multinational, a property developer, or a group of leaseholders wishing to take over the management or ownership of your building, we can guide you through every step of the legal process.

Our services include:

  • Company formation, including articles
  • Appointment as your company secretary (Battens Secretarial Services Limited)
  • Completion and maintenance of statutory registers
  • Board and general meeting minutes
  • Registered office and directors’ service address service
  • Appointments and resignations of directors and company secretary
  • Confirmation statements (formerly annual returns)
  • Share allotments
  • Annual General Meetings
  • Striking off or dissolving a company
  • Reinstating a company
  • Dormant company maintenance

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